Hadess's Recent Blogs

My blogs are private just to my fan club members! I can write dirty fantasies or keep you updated about my life with my blogs.

Happy Easter Date: Apr 4th @ 11:19am EDT
Hello everyone..good to ba back after a week off..i was home to visit my parents..mom had broke her leg and had a surgery..so i went to see visit her..it always a good time visiting my home where i grew up..i always remember things since i was young..everytime i see a place..a window..i remember something from the time when i was young..yesterday i got back..but having a bad cold..and i think the best way to get rid of it is to enjoy a good time online with some cumshows..lol..just in time for easter..to empty out the egs..heheh
I am an ortodox..so our easter will be next weekend..no plans for it yet,so i think i might be enjoying it online with you guys
If u dont have plans,,u can join me and have a talk,enjoy a glass of wine and why not,maybe some fun
Happy easter boys..and see u online..dont be shy to say hi if u join my room..many people do that..i dont bite..i promise..lol:)..i love to get to know my fans,keep in touch and build a friendship..im easy going and very sociable guy..so let the shyness at home and hit me up
This is my 9 Eater online..wow..i even forget for how long im working here..i need to celebrate that
Happy New Year Date: Jan 2nd @ 10:45am EST
Happy New Year guys...wish u all the best for 2013,to be healthy,safe and lots of energy to make money..to spend them on f4f..lol..jocking
I had a good time last night,i was at the restaurant with some good friends of mine,was a big place.so many people there..arround 600 people..everyone was dressed nice,food was good..we had 3 concerts durring the night..after midnight,most of us start getting drunk..but not so bad because was an important evening and many important people around,we start dancing till in the morning....was one of my best new year nights in the last years
Next day i woke up,i took breakfast and i left home...long way to get to my place...about 7 hours driving...but it worth the short trip
I start working since 1st of january,i have big plans for this year..need t pay all my debts,make my bussiness run well,and if i am lucky..i wana try to buy my own place..so no time to loose guys..hehe
So for those who wana chat,u can find me almost everyday online..i will update my schedule so u know when i am online..hope to see u soon guys and enjoy a good time
And if u can BOOST my profile,i would apreciate a lot..best regards from Hadess
xmast and new year Date: Dec 29th @ 6:25pm EST
Helllo everyone..i found some time to log online and writte this diary,to wish u all of u happy holidays,enjoy them with your friends,family..dont forget to behave well these days...hehhehe...have a happy new year much better then the last one..for me,2012 was a very difficult one from many reasons,many changes in my life...but lucky me,i dont give up so easily..we must belive in our dreams and do everything to reach our goals..i will be online for a short time these days..i wil be out of town for a few days before and after new year eve,so if u up for a chat u can find me today around
I will go to a party with some friends,we going for a restaurant,eat and drink and have fun all night...hehehhe...i must go tomorow and do some shoppings,need to buy new shoes and some nice pants..Hadess must look good all the time..in a nice suit..love to get dressed office,but its not something i would wear everyday
So i wish u all happy new year,enjoy it guys..and see u after new years eve..i will be online starting from 2-3 january...so if anyone wana start this year in a good way(with a cumshot)..u know where to find me
snowing Date: Dec 5th @ 6:28am EST
ho ho ho...first snow here guys..i am so happy..its snowing and winter its here..i cant wait to go to mountaines,and learn how to skii..damn,i heard its really nice...i hope i wil not break any leg..lol:))..do u have any favorite place where to spend a nice vacantion?here in my country we have so many good places for a nice vacantion..we have mountaines,black sea,castle of dracula,the danube..too bad our goverment dont know how to explore this fortune we have,our tourism sucks right now..many people r visitjnt serbia,and other close countries,even romanians r spending their vacantion out of country..thats because our goverment dont know how to take advantage of what we have here..we rather go outside adn spend money in other countries,then spending in ours
I started gym few days ago,i quit smoking wich feels really good...wish me luck to not start again..hehehhehe
What u would like to receive as gift from a model?i supose all of u have somehting that u wish u to from your fav model..maybe a pair of underwear..or socks..or some pics...i would like to send to some of u some gifts for xmast..so if u read this diary,send me an email with a gift that u would like to receive from me,and i do my best to make it happen
Hello my fans Date: Dec 3rd @ 3:12pm EST
Hey people.how is everyone doing?i just finished doing some exercises for abs and arms,i quit smoking few days ago,and i wana work a lot and get back in good shape...i start eating much more,drinking lots of wather,taking supliments,from tomorow i start going to gym..so far i was doing sports at home,i do have some weights here..I might be 30,but i wana prove to me,first of all ,that i can get in the best shape i ever was..proving that time its not a problem..when u really want something and u are ambitious,u just need to belive in yourself and fallow your dreams
I need to get an ipod,to add some music when i am going to gym..i do listen house music,motivation lirics that dont let me stop and remind me for what i am there!!
This weekend i am getting payed,so i will rock the clubs boys.,.i worked a lot lately and i need to relax..so i will go for it this friday..i reserved a table in the club,with some friends..we will rock the partry,get durnk..have some sex..heheheh...
Its been a while since last time i went int he clubs..i do enjoy life guys,i do like to work a lot,but in the same time i do enjoy going out,gettign drunk,having fun,having sex..cause int he end..thats life it was made for..we have to learn how to mix all theese things..most of u,from what i spoke with u in all these years,u work a lot,and dont find enough time for your private life..wich is not good boys...life its too short,too beautifull and we must enjoy it as much as we can
Morning guys Date: Nov 29th @ 5:58am EST
Hey there boys..good morning everyone..i just woke up here,i am so hungry..will go to prepare something for breakfast..and i logged online to see whos around..not much traffic at this hour,cause i am with 7 hours ahead u.so most of u might be sleeping at this hour..dfreaming at me maybe?hehehhe..i bet u would like to woke up with me making u breakfast,serving it in your bed,a nice tea or coffe and of course,some desert..a blow jobb..hahahaha..nice fantasy,isnt it?
I usually eat eggs in the morning,drink a milkshake with proteins and some fruits..eating well and healthy helps your body and mind to stay young..i dont eat kfc or Mc,thats the worst food u can get,its cheap but it doesnt worth the money guys..so rather try to eat well,drnk lots of wather,eat fruits wich contains lots of vitamins..this is how i keep in shape myself..doing lots of sports helps a lot..at list 2 times/week to go to gym,or cycling or jogging
I was thinking to become a fitness trainer,but i dont wana spend my whole day in the gym,many people were asking me to advice nad help them get in good shape..but the problem is that it counts a lot that u to fallow the advices that u get from the trainer,becuase if u leave the gym and keep eating bulshits,will not help u at all
Hello boys Date: Nov 28th @ 2:27pm EST
Back online..i just finished cooking something and i logged online..hope u had a good thanks giving,big holiday for u...weather is really good here in my country,even if we r getting to end this november,and another nice month with lots of holidays is coming..i supposed u already start making plans for xmast..i will spend it with my friends,before that i will go home to see my lovely parents,then i come back and continue to enjoy the holidays with friends..for new year,i will be to a party,at a restaurant..i think that changing my age to 30,made me more mature..lolȘ)))..i dont wana go to clubs,like any other weekend..a nice dinner,a good wine and good friends r really what i need in this moments...i wana learn how to skii..never try it so far..i heard its really nice and fun
I was thinking what i want for xmast..hhmm..dont know yet..i will think about it and update my wishlist..maybe some of u wana send me a gift for xmast..it will be apreciated for sure..and if u behave well,u can ask for a gift from me,and i will send it to u for xmast..to show u my respect and thanking for beeing here with me everytime i am online..big kiss for u..see u online
happy thanksgiving Date: Nov 22nd @ 12:25pm EST
finaly a big holiday for u guys..in europe we dont celebrate this holiday,but i heard in usa its a big one for u...off to work,lots of food..turkey especially..drinks..party..good oportunity to have some fu,some sex too...hehehhe...i was online in the morning,took a break and now i log back..i wana enjoy this day with u boys..so day off for me,all day in my office working online...talking about food,i start getting hungry..i need someone to cook for me..lol..anyone available?Ș)))
I would love to have a boyfriend,to wait for me home and surprise me with a nice table,some good food on it..a good wine ..damn..i miss those times..i am single for too long...i dotn even know how it feels to be in love..very hard to find a good guy,especially here in my country...people r not so open mind as outside..beside this..i do work a lot,everyday..day and night..so no much time for fun for me..only in the weekend sometimes..i do go out with my friends,and we party till in the morning..but having a bf and feeling in lvoe..its something a miss a lot
I should make a casting online to find my soul..lol..hhm..good ideea,isnt it?Ș))hahha
So if anyone is looking for a boyfriend,here i am..u can stop by any time in my room and say hi..dont be shy,i dont bite guys
Hey boys Date: Nov 21st @ 6:12pm EST
How is going everyone?missed me?Ș))its good to be back guys..i dont remember last time ive been online for so long..its good to be back and see all of u in the mood for a nice chat,for some fun..its kind of difficult for me to get back in the mood and shape i was before,after a long break..wich wa snot my intention to take it...but Hadess dont give up so easy guys..i wana get back in top1 asap..and i will need some help from u for that..i started gym today,need to go to buy some proteins,aminos to eb able to help me grow faster..i moved into a new place,smaller but its ok,for a lonely guy..hahahaha...need to save some money right now,so sacrifice needs to be made to reach our goals..so..from now on,i will update my schedule,so u can know when i am online and to visit me..soon i will add some new pics,a freidn of mine wichy is photographer will take some nice pics of me and my sexy body..Ș).hehehe..and i will share them with u asap...thanksgiving start tomorow,so i will be online all day,hope to see u around for some fun..miss ya boys..till next time,keep in touch boys and best regards from Hadess
Hello everyone Date: Nov 19th @ 7:14am EST
Hey guys..how r things doing for u?all good?i just moved into a new place,things r not going so well around,the business that i have with the restaurant its kind of slow..the economy its really bad...i had my birthday few days ago,so i was not online for about 2 weeks..it was the first time in the last 8 years when i was not having a party for my birthday..but ..evertything has a begining..sometime su have to sacrifice things to be able to reach your goals..thats what i am doing right now..for my birthday i was to a restaurant with soem close friends,we ate something,drank a good wine and thats all..maybe enxt year will get better and things will be much better then they r right now..christmast is gettign close..do u have any plan fot it?what u gonna do?spend it at home or with some friends?regaarding me..i dont have any ideea for the moment what i wana do..i usually wait til last moment..lol..wich is not good sometimes cause we dont find places anymore to go to the mountaines and enjoy a good time for holidays..this was just a quick note to say hi,let u know whats happening in my life right now..Hadess is still here,will be for some time..
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